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Buy a domain .odessa.ua

The .odessa.ua domain is a regional second-level domain - an integral part of the .UA domain.

Price for a domain in the odessa.ua zone:

Domain registration cost odessa.ua - 325.00 UAH/year
Domain renewal cost odessa.ua - 325.00 UAH/year
Domain transfer cost odessa.ua - 325.00 UAH/year

Check if a domain is free in a zone odessa.ua


Characteristics of the odessa.ua domain zone:

Registry (zone administrator) Украинский Южный сетевой информационный центр, http://sunic.ua
Domain registration (period) In real time

odessa.ua domains. We answer your questions:

How much does it cost to register, buy a domain in the .odessa.ua domain zone?
Buying a odessa.ua domain, registering and renewing this domain name in the domain zone costs 325.00 UAH/year.
Does QHost provide hosting services for .odessa.ua domains?
Yes. When buying a domain, you can choose a suitable hosting plan.
How long does it take to register a domain in the odessa.ua zone?
Registration of odessa.ua domains usually takes place within an hour after payment of the invoice.
How to find out if the domain you have chosen is free?
To check the availability of the selected domain, you can use the domain name check service on the site.